Domino Effect Archives

The Thomas F. Coleman Collection



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Chapter Seven:  Not in my Apartment

1991: Donahue case materials (1991 to 1992)

1991: News story on the Court of Appeal opinion in Donahue

1991: Daily Journal: landlords can reject unmarried couples

1991: LA Times: rental denial uphold on religious basis

1991: LA Times: commentary entitled "sword of oppression"

1991: ACLU news conference criticizing Donahue decision

1992: News stories: CA Supreme Court to hear Donahue case

1994: Tenant in Donahue case sues to block religious exemption

1994: Court of Appeal ruling in the Smith case

1994: News story on the Court of Appeal ruling in Smith

1994: Petition for review to CA Supreme Court in Smith case

1994: News stories: CA Supreme Court to hear Smith case

1994: News stories: AG criticized for dropping out of Smith case

1994: Review denied by US Supreme Court in Alaska case

1994: Letter from deputy AG in Massachusetts housing case

1994: Media stories about the Smith case

1995: ABA Journal story titled "Not in My Apartment"

1995: News story: Triangle and Spectrum fight housing bias

1995: Letter from Alaska attorney on new federal litigation

1996: AP story: oral argument held in Smith case

1996: Various papers: religious landlady loses in Smith case

1996: Letter of congratulations from Alaska attorney

1997: Conservatives want to amend California Constitution

1997: US Supreme Court refuses to hear Smith case

1997: SF Chronicle: high court rejects landlady's appeal

1998: Amicus brief filed in Hoffius case in Mich. Supreme Court

1999: Michigan bill to deny legal protection to unmarried couples

1999: Landlords seek religious exemptions from federal courts

1999: Officials fear impact of religious screening of tenants

1999: Coleman commentary on federal appellate ruling

1999: Michigan bill would let landlords reject unmarried couples

1999: Detroit News: commentary on housing bias

1999: Letter of thanks from Michigan legislator


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