Domino Effect Archives

The Thomas F. Coleman Collection



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Chapter Six:  Singles' Rights

1972: News story mentions "Single Persons Bill of Rights"

1987: Auto Club challenged on marital status discrimination

1987: Partners newsletter mentions challenge to Auto Club

1988: Debbie Deem is denied a job interview in Arizona

1989: Debbie Deem asks ACLU to challenge cohabitation law

1989: Debbie Deem writes to LA City Attorney Jim Hahn

1989: News story on Task Force on Marital Status Discrimination

1989: Papers of Task Force on Marital Status Discrimination

1990: Photo of Chris McCauley, Jim Hahn, and Tom Coleman

1990: News story on  City Attorney's study on marital status bias

1990: Report of the Task Force on Marital Status Discrimination
           final report:    segment 1  --  segment 2
           supplement:  segment 1  --  segment 2  --  segment 3
                                  segment 4  --  segment 5

1990: LA Times runs front page story on marital status report
           Letters to the editor on LA Times story

1990: News story outlines findings of marital status task force
           News story says discrimination against singles is widespread
           Gay paper highlights marital status discrimination report
           Orlando news paper column focuses on marital status report

1990: SF Chronicle: "Standing up for Singles' Rights"

1991: Albany news story: "Feeling Single, Seeing Double"

1991: WS Journal: singles' rights activists target corporations

1993: Insurance Commissioner's report on marital status bias
           final report  (95 pages) --  supplement  (190 pages)
           photo of commissioner Garamendi, Coleman, and others

           follow up communications (2002-2004)

1993: Media on insurance commissioner's marital status report

1993: Challenging marital status discrimination by credit unions
           News story  --  Guidebook to consumers to create change

           Agency ruling in 1991  --  LA police credit union (1993-1994)

1998: Proposal to ACLU on singles and marital status bias

1999: Singles Rights Lobby newsletter focuses on political issues

1999: Brochure of the American Association for Single People

1999: Mayor of Calabassas is first elected official to join AASP

2000: Human Rights Agenda for Unmarried America

2000: High cost of being single in America

2000: AASP goals and tasks for 2000

2000: Charles Osgood radio spot reports on AASP

2001: Unmarried Americans need tax relief too

2001: Associated Press: singles want more political clout

2001: ACLU joins AASP's "Stop the Stigma" Campaign

2001: Bill passes to remove "bastard" from Delaware codes

2001: Hartford Courant: AASP is the new AARP for singles

2001: Associated Press: singles face unique financial challenges

2001: Memo to Arizona legislators on sexual privacy reform

2001: Memo to New Mexico legislators on sexual privacy reform

2001: AASP visit to DC announced by Washington Post ad

2000: Various papers: political campaigns ignoring single voters

2000: Commentary: AASP stands up for rights of singles

2000: NY Times: politicians ignore singles

2000: College lecture focuses on singles' rights

2001: National Singles Week materials

2001: Atlanta Journal Constitution: retailers targeting singles

2001: AASP mission statement

2001: Materials about drive to reopen the single women's shelter

2002: Photo: AASP members gather for event in Long Beach

2002: Commentary: companies shortchange singles, group says

2002: National Journal: political publication focuses on AASP

2002: Brochure of Unmarried America (AASP)

2002: Virginia Business: employee benefits unfair to singles?

2002: Unmarried and Single Americans Week materials
           award given to CBS radio for singles series in 2001
           award given to NY Gov. Pataki (accepted by staff in D.C.)

2002: Various papers: AASP goes to Washington D.C.

2003: Federal issues affecting unmarried America

2003: Washington Blade: group says singles should fight back

2003: Cybercast News: singles group lobbies on Capitol HIll

2003: Photo: Michael Vasquez, Lloyd Rigler, Tom Coleman

2003: Photo: Tom Coleman, Michael Vasquez, Nora Baladerian

2003: BusinessWeek cover story on Unmarried America

2004: Arizona Republic: commentary on the single person's burden

2004: USA Weekend: singles of the world unite

2005: Brochure of Unmarried America

2005: Unmarried America newsletters (1999 to 2003)

2005: AASP and Unmarried America materials (1999 to 2005)



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